Welcome to my Mechenics section

This is where ill keep up with my bike and car.

Motorcycle section

update feb 27 2025: Theres more than i thought wrong

I took off ther cranckshaft case and a 2 gear looking pices came out one of them was broken

The starter motor did come in but that wasnt what the problem was

when i turn the crankshaft i can only turn it 360deg. one piston moves but the other doesnt.

Update Feb 9 2025 : Still not working

I did the rear wheel trick and rotated the crank shaft the crank and wheel spent 360 deg but stoped in the same place

im gonn use this video

Update Feb 3 2025 : starter relay vid

Not starting. but your battery and relay work change starter Motor

hers a vid here

need a 10mil tool

Update Feb 1 2025

Needs a starter motor. The bike clicks but doesnt turn over this could be several thing but ill start with this (its not the battiery)


Reoving old bolt tip

Hard to remove bolts? Use these:

Use a wire brush before WD-40



Use a hammer and tap on the bolt

Update Feb 1 2025 : Rear wheel trick

see if your enginge is sized or not

What You Can Learn From This Test:

โœ… Wheel Turns, Engine Rotates Normally โ€“ Your engine isnโ€™t seized, and the issue is likely elsewhere (starter motor, starter clutch, or electrical).
๐Ÿšจ Wheel Stops Suddenly / Wonโ€™t Move โ€“ This could indicate an internal engine issue (seized piston, jammed starter clutch, or transmission problem).
๐Ÿ”„ Grinding or Weird Noises โ€“ Possible transmission or starter gear issue

how to

How It Works:
Lifting the Rear Wheel
โ€“ By getting the rear wheel off the ground (using a rear stand or center stand), you can freely rotate it without resistance from the ground.
Putting the Bike in 6th Gear โ€“ Why 6th Gear? Because it's the highest gear, which means the least amount of engine resistance when turning the wheel. Lower gears (1st, 2nd) have more torque multiplication, making it much harder to turn the engine manually. In 6th gear, the transmission ratios are closer, so turning the wheel translates to a gentler movement of the crankshaft.
Rotating the Rear Wheel by Hand โ€“ When you spin the rear wheel forward, it transfers motion through the chain, into the transmission, and finally to the crankshaft. If the engine is free, the wheel will turn with some resistance from compression, but it should still move.

Car info

How to Replace Brakes

Replacing brakes is not hard. Hereโ€™s a guide:

Step One

Take off the wheel

Step Two

Unscrew the caliper. The caliper is the part covering the rotor. The rotor is the silver disc.


Step Three

Replace the pads

Step Four

You're done! Put everything back together.