Da Blog

This style was inspired by Stomped On

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Narcissist… Not Just a Buzzword

People throw around the word "narcissist" when they’re mad, or when someone is a little selfish. The word is overused to the point it’s like The Boy Who Cried Wolf. But I’m talking about a *real* narcissist.

  • Gaslighting
  • Manipulation
  • Triangulation
  • Blame shifting / Guilt tripping
  • No empathy
  • Power / "Winning" > What’s morally right
  • Love bombing
  • Silent treatment
  • Projection
  • Double standards
  • Stonewalling
  • DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender)
  • Moving goalposts
  • Minimizing your feelings
  • Pathological lying
  • Weaponized incompetence
  • Betrayal
  • Using secrets as weapons

My tragic love life

Another cycle huh?

mar 1 2025

same day more

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oh this is a good one ...

feb 27, 25

i dont even know where to start. this is so toxic and messed up idk what t belive anymmmore. tldr: shes nice after we have _xxx . but she acts like she hates me and never want to be with me again . ill start with the begingn of this week. she got mad packed her stuff and called someone to leave to a diffrent state. and pland on leaving the kids with me. Shes started acting "cool " in the middle of the week we had more _xxx than usual. i told her im scared to belive her agin but she could get mad start calling me a bitch and how other men are better and she shouldve cheat again and doesnt regret both times . Thenn... shell act like she likes me again . i think is a fair concern to have but apparntly not. she thiks im "starting an argument". when im just being vunerable and i opening up it escaleted from there. oops step on an egg shell i shoulndt have done that . it ecalated to screaming thowing name calling hitting and verbal abuse . i tried to comfort my child because she heres all of the screaming ect. but she gates a call from whos gonna take her to another state . and shes says "yea, i still want to go ".... just wow after opeing up being vunerble and trying to compromise its all down the drain "its like a flip to a switch" i love you to i hate you bitch. its a CYCLE that im tierd of going though. i belive her when shes acting cool and im just not supposed to talk about whats actually going on? im not some npc sheep and nver will be. im not just going with the flow when im supposed to be captin of the ship. she said she was gonna stab me and i said you wont do that . but then shes switched it to oh you wanna hit me then go ahead. then said im provoking her . (mental gymanstics innit :p).

oh wow shes still going. i hear her on the phone "your gonna argue with a bitch?" where was i ever arguing ? im looking for clarification

Random ahhhh thoughts

Dont meet your heros

not a bad expericence but i seen the discord of one of the sites i admire. i dont want to dm out the BLUE "hey i love your website design so much " i mean its there for a reaon. i guess ill admire from here.